On December 18, 1972, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 3010 designating 1975 as International Women’s Year. President Nixon signed a proclamation to observe this in the United States on January 30, 1974.

NAID: 1670008
Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
President Ford furthered this effort by signing an Executive Order on January 9, 1975, establishing a national commission on the observance of International Women’s Year (IWY). He marked this occasion with a special signing ceremony attended by First Lady Betty Ford and IWY coordinators from various government departments. Before signing the Executive Order, President Ford asked Mrs. Ford if she had “any words of wisdom or encouragement” to which she stated: “I just want to congratulate you, Mr. President. I am glad to see you have come a long, long way.”
Though Mrs. Ford did not attend the International Conference in Mexico City in June 1975, she did provide this message to be read in her absence by Patricia Hutar, the head of the U.S. Delegation and United States Representative on the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women.

NAID: 81556779
Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
In October 1975, Mrs. Ford attended the Greater Cleveland International Women’s Year Congress convention, delivering a speech that included one of her famous quotes: “Being ladylike does not require silence.”

You can read the full text of Mrs. Ford’s speech here.
We hope you enjoy these materials as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of International Women’s Year.