Fifty years ago today, Vice President Gerald R. Ford was sworn-in as the 38th President of the United States, following the historic resignation of President Richard Nixon.

A0004-10 / NAID: 6923692
Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
After reciting the oath of office as prompted by Chief Justice Warren Burger, President Ford spoke to the American people using the following prepared remarks:

- Reading Copies of Presidential Speeches and Statements, Box 1, “August 9, 1974 – Swearing-in Ceremony.”
NAID: 1252055
Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ↩︎
To commemorate this monumental ascent to office, the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids is opening a new exhibit today titled “Ford at 50: Decisions that Defined a Presidency.” Featuring a blend of immersive set pieces, unique artifacts, and historic film footage, this exhibit will provide an unparalleled window into the critical moments and challenges that defined President Ford’s administration. Highlights of the exhibit include his difficult decision to grant clemency to draft dodgers, his controversial pardon of Richard Nixon, his aid for Vietnamese refugees, his decisive action following the Mayaguez Incident, and more.
The exhibit will showcase nearly a hundred artifacts, many of which have never been seen by the public before, including items from children who came to the United States via Operation Babylift, military medals sent to the President by veterans in protest of Ford granting of partial clemency to draft dodgers, and Head of State gifts given to the President and First Lady as they traveled throughout eastern Europe prior to the Helsinki Accords.
If you’re in the Grand Rapids area, we hope you visit and reflect on key moments from the Ford administration!
Authors: Brooke Clement and Andrea Mantakounis