And the Nominee is…

On October 12, 1973—fifty years ago today—President Richard Nixon nominated House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford to be the Vice President of the United States.  Nixon made the announcement regarding this nomination two days after Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned.  Ford’s nomination was the first time a Vice-Presidential vacancy was filled using the 25th Amendment of the Constitution.

President Richard M. Nixon and First Lady Pat Nixon with Representative Gerald R. Ford and Betty Ford in the Blue Room of the White House following the nomination of Ford as Vice President on October 12, 1973.
H33-1b / NAID: 186966
Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library

President Nixon announced his nomination to the American people at 9pm Eastern Time.  After Nixon’s remarks, Ford made some of his own:

Mr. President, I am deeply honored.  I am humble and grateful.

I pledge to you, my colleagues in the Congress and the American people that if the Congress approves my nomination I will serve our Nation in the post of Vice President to the best of my ability in the post of Vice President and do my utmost to deserve the trust and faith of the American people.

I have supported and will support your policies aimed at peace throughout the world and progress and wellbeing at home.

We must unite our nation.  I will do everything I can to further that end.

After two months, an FBI investigation, and confirmation hearings and votes in both the House and Senate, Gerald R. Ford was sworn-in as the 40th Vice President of the United States.

Author: Brooke Clement