Basketball Management

March Madness has us thinking about both brackets and basketball history – and Ford’s time with the professional basketball team the Grand Rapids Rangers.

The Rangers were formed as part of the Professional Basketball League of America (PBLA), a  professional basketball league that only lasted for one month in 1947. The Rangers, part of the PBLA’s Northern Division, would end the short season with a record of 3-3. Although the PBLA proved short-lived, several of its players would go on to greater fame in the NBA, including George Mikan and Bobby McDermott. 

Another of the PBLA’s breakout “stars” was future president Gerald Ford, then a lawyer in Grand Rapids. Ford and Buell Phelps served as business managers for the Rangers, with Stanley Szukala serving as the team’s coach. Prior to his time with the Rangers, Szukala enjoyed a successful career as a professional basketball player. 

President Ford later reached out to Szukala in 1976 to congratulate him on his induction into the DePaul University Hall of Fame, writing “Knowing firsthand the qualities of leadership and excellence you displayed during our association in Grand Rapids years ago, I am happy to salute your Alma Mater for giving you this well-earned tribute.” 

White House Central Files, Subject Files, “Me 1 – Sy-Sz: Stanley Szukala.”
Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library

In his letter back to the president, Szukala thanked Ford for “the great job you are doing as our President” and said, “Jerry, it’s been a long time since 1947 when you and I were associated with the Grand Rapids Professional Basketball team, but I certainly recall many great memories that make me feel very proud of the good times we have shared together.”

Author: Lauren White

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